Sunday, September 22, 2024

Vet Pros and Cons: 10 Revealing Insights

Vet Pros and Cons -> Becoming a veterinarian offers a rewarding career, but it is not without issues. For those who have chosen this profession, the rewards can be considerable.

The below are ten revealing insights into the world of the veterinarian. Hopefully, this will help you better understand this profession before you make the decision about whether to become a vet.


  • Excellent pay
  • Working with animals
  • Lots of demand for vets
  • Every day is different
  • Job satisfaction


  • Long expensive training
  • Treating sick animals
  • Surgery
  • Dealing with pet owners
  • Long hours

Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #1: Excellent Pay

As with doctors, vets can earn a considerable salary depending on where they work.

Newly-qualifieds start at £30k and can earn as much as £70k as a qualified vet with good experience. Those who work with large animals tend to earn more than vets working with smaller animals.

Vets who run their own clinics stand to earn even more money. However, this career path requires extra work and some serious business acumen in order to succeed.

It is true that some vets will hire experts in the field to run the business end of their clinics, but that is an added expense.

Still, this profession is quite rewarding in terms of pay even if you do not start a clinic.

Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #2: Working with Animals

Even when sick, many pets bring their love and joy with them to you. The main reason why so many become vets is to treat and help pets.

There is something so satisfying about diagnosing, treating, and helping pets to overcome illness and injury. It can bring happiness not only to you, but the pet and the pet owner as well.

To many, becoming a veterinarian is more than a profession, it is a calling. It is not a job, but the expression of love that they have for animals and wanting to help them.

Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #3: Demand

Vetinary is a profession that has only grown in demand as more people own pets.

This means that you have more control over where you choose to locate your offices. Plus, you can expect a good salary for your work even if you are competing against other vets.

At least for the foreseeable future, you can expect that when you finish your schooling and training, there will be high demand for your services.

vet pros and cons; dog, puppy, canine

Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #4: Every Day is Different

No two days are the same for a vet.

While you will see your fair share of dogs and cats, there are many other species of pets that you will treat as well.

If you operate your business in a rural area, you will also treat farm animals as well. In such cases, you will get to travel to meet them instead of having them come to you.

This variety helps to make each day for a vet something to look forward to doing. It provides a freshness to the work that keeps it from becoming boring or mundane.

vet pros and cons; health, hospital, medicine, vet

Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #5: Job Satisfaction

While not every day will be a pleasant one. There is something about the joy in the eyes of a pet and their owners that provides considerable satisfaction for the vet.

Your actions will have a direct, noticeable effect that offers a sense of accomplishment that makes the job of treating animals more than worthwhile.

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Unfortunately, there are downsides to becoming a veterinarian. The profession is like any other in that you will face some serious issues such as the following.

Vet Pros and Cons – Con #1: Long, Expensive Training

Becoming a vet is much like becoming a doctor.

You will have to pay for years of higher education to earn your degree. This can be an expensive proposition unless you can earn grants or scholarships that help you live while working your way through school.

Many vets will have a large loan debt to pay off once they graduate which only increases the financial burden.

Vet Pros and Cons – Con #2: Treating Sick Animals

For every happy puppy or darling kitten that you get to meet, most of your patients will consist of pets who are quite sick.

Sadly, many of the pets you treat may pass away quickly because there is no treatment that can help them.

This means that successful vets are equipped to handle the pain, grief, and suffering that will befall the owners of the pet.

Even the strongest-willed veterinarian will also feel that pain. It can be too much for many who choose this profession to face.

vet pros and cons; dog, veterinary, pet

Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #3: Surgery

As with doctors who treat human patients, vets must also perform surgery, see blood, treat infections, and face all sorts of unpleasantries that put a damper on their emotional state.

This means that to be successful, you must see your profession as helping your patients to the point where the unpleasantries are tolerable.

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Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #4: Dealing with Pet Owners

Getting along with pet owners, no matter how rude or inconsiderate, is part of becoming a successful vet.

Otherwise, you will run out of patients quickly as they seek other vets who are far more tolerant of their behavior.

You will need to understand that in most cases, a pet owner is not deliberate in their intentions, but you will have to tolerate a considerable amount of rudeness and poor behavior from pet owners who are not as considerate.

vet pros and cons; vet, animal, illustration

Vet Pros and Cons – Pro #5: Long Hours

Being a vet is no 9 to 5 job.

You can expect to work long hours and be available for emergency services at any time.

It is why many vets will team up with each other to share the burden of providing 24/7 service for pets that need immediate treatment. However, if you are in a rural area and alone this may not be possible.

As with any profession, you will have to deal with the advantages and disadvantages that it offers. Becoming a vet is not easy.

It requires a considerable amount of study and working with a wide variety of animals. And while you will have good days, there will be bad ones as well.

If you are up to the challenge, then becoming a vet provides many rewards both financial and personal. It is a profession that will always be appreciated.

It takes work, dedication, and a high tolerance in dealing with situations that are unpleasant. For the successful veterinarian, it means looking forward to the next day to see who you can help.

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