Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sun, surf, sand and….skills?

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Julia Buckley

Learning & Development Manager

December 2, 2022

Untitled 600 600px 3This summer we’re encouraging you to swap the traditional expensive ‘tourist trap’ holiday for an experience like no other, as you immerse yourself in a challenging locum role in a new and exciting destination.

Not convinced? Read on to find out why spending your summer as a locum can be more rewarding, and perhaps even more relaxing, than a summer sitting on a beach.

  • You’ll be the flavour of the month – Demand for locums is so high at the moment that you’ll be showered with gratitude from your new colleagues and patients when you turn up on day one.

Often in our large cities, it is easy to feel like just a number or a cog in a very large machine, but in Australia’s smaller communities where your services are much-needed, you’ll quickly find out just how appreciated your skills are.

GP Dr Amin Sadruddin was a recipient of this gratitude when he left Hobart to undertake a locum role in the outback. “In the city I feel surplus to requirements, but in these communities my services are in high demand. I am often the difference between a medical service staying open or being shut down. It’s a humbling experience.”

  • You’ll be able to travel, and return with more money in the bank than when you started – many locum positions not only offer a great rate of pay, whilst covering your accommodation and travel costs too.

Demand for locums has sky-rocketed recently resulting in an increase in rates of up to 50% in the last 12 months.[1] Spend your summer wisely and it could have a positive effect on your bank balance rather than being a drain on the finances. Wavelength locum recruiter Ben always finds it particularly satisfying when a junior doctor reports that their locum income has allowed them to pay off their wedding, car or even their house.

Not only that, but in many instances, hospitals or healthcare providers may cover accommodation and travel costs[2], adding to the attraction of a locum role.

  • You’ll expand your horizons – As well as gaining new experiences and skills in your work, you’ll gain an insight into different ways of life across the nation.

Untitled 600 600px 5There’s no doubt about it, Australia offers no end of variety in terms of climate, landscapes and experiences, and your summer holiday could be near the wineries of South Australia or the rainforests of Queensland, and everywhere in-between.

The same applies for the depth and breadth of locum work, offering endless opportunities to learn new skills in new places. At Wavelength, we’re able to offer you locum opportunities at every stage of your career, from junior doctor roles through to executive positions, and roles for general practitioners.

There’s such a thing as too much choice though. That’s where Wavelength’s experienced recruiters can step in to help you work through the myriad of opportunities to find the right one for you.

  • You’ll gain the ultimate work/life balance – Work, live and travel all at once as you pick and choose roles that match your lifestyle goals.

If Covid taught us anything, it’s that our careers don’t need to follow a prescribed path. Gone are the days when we all pop off to work from 9-5 Monday to Friday and take our four weeks leave a year. Now many of us demand flexibility in our careers as we strive to achieve that elusive work/life balance.

For doctors, the next logical step is locum work, and what better time to start than in summer when the weather is warmer? Not only can you enjoy a sunny location, but you’ll be able to choose a schedule that suits you, perhaps around a morning surf or a weekend hike to make the most of the long summer days.  It’s a chance to combine the best of both worlds and squeeze the most out of your summer.

Wavelength recruitment consultant Claudine Zaarour often hears first-hand just how much our doctors enjoy the opportunities offered by a locum role. “The most rewarding feedback I get is when a doctor calls to say locuming with Wavelength has been the best part of their career. And they regularly do.”

  • You’ll return invigorated and inspired – Pack your enthusiasm and be open to the opportunities available and we’re sure you’ll return after summer full of inspiration for your career again.

They say a change is as good as a holiday, and after a long year at the grindstone, a break from the day-to-day with a locum role could be just the ticket. Our doctors find that a locum placement is a great circuit breaker. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and working in a new location can not only be refreshing, but the break often means you return to your regular life reinvigorated with a new enthusiasm for your profession.

ED CMO & Registrar Dr Ferdinand Kotzbya finds that locum work keeps him full of enthusiasm for his career. “Every time I go somewhere, it’s a new challenge and it keeps me refreshed and energised. I love taking charge of my own future – and it’s a lot of fun too.”

  • You’ll step out of your comfort zone – Whether by taking on more responsibility at work, meeting new people or adapting to a different climate you’ll be challenged to grow.

Untitled 600 600px 4When was the last time you tried something new? Often, we can be a bit guilty of taking the safe route and staying within our comfort zone, but when we choose to step outside it, we can be rewarded with an immense sense of achievement.

For GP Dr Farid Razzaghi, locum work exposed him to new, rewarding challenges. “I had always wanted to work in a location where I could combine both my primary care and emergency skills,” he explains. “And rural Queensland does not disappoint. My recent locums in Doomadgee, Richmond and Julia Creek also appeal to my sense of adventure.”

  • You’ll open up a world of new opportunities By spending a summer trying new things in new places, you’ll be exposed to opportunities you had no idea existed.

Working in different roles gives you the opportunity to expand your own network, picking up new contacts, skills and knowledge from outside your usual circles. Not only that, but you’ll gain access to Wavelength’s large network too, enjoying the benefits of the years of experience and connections formed by recruiters. 

For GP Dr Amin Sadruddin, locum work in remote parts of Australia offered the opportunity to go back to basics. “Outback work really is the antithesis of general practice in cities. My days are always interesting, challenging and satisfying. Working in indigenous health is a great use of my medical education and I often have to go back to first principles,” he says.

  • You’ll get to dip your toe in, without committing to the deep diveA summer as a locum gives you a chance to decide if a longer stint could be for you.

In fact, we recommend that if you are new to locum work you start off with short placements of just one to two weeks. With a few of those under your belt you’ll have a much better understanding of how it all works and if it is for you.

Of course, if you get to the end of summer and you’re ready to take the plunge, there are now an increasing number of longer-term locum contracts of three to six months available.

  • You’ll find next-level flexibilityTell us where, when, what and how often, and we’ll most likely be able to find a role that fits in with your goals for the summer.

Taking on a few locum positions over the summer is a bit like sampling the degustation menu at your local restaurant. You’ll get to try things that you might not otherwise have selected, and because they’re bite-sized, if you find the experiences or the role isn’t for you it isn’t too long before the next one comes around. 

Wavelength locum psychiatry recruiter Courtney is one of the “chefs” preparing a locum menu for you, and unlike some other agencies, money isn’t the main ingredient. “We make the experience so simple, we find the perfect roles that suit their interests, we take care of the logistics for them, and they don’t feel the need to work with any other agencies because of their positive experiences.”

This focus on finding roles that suit your interests, lifestyle goals and timetable inevitably means you’ll have a much more enjoyable summer where the work doesn’t really feel like work at all.

  • You’ll never want the summer to endGo far enough north, and it just might never have to!

Melbourne-based psychiatrist Dr James Whan admits that he was just dipping his toes in when he first spoke to the Wavelength recruiters about locum work. “But when job offers in tropical locations started turning up in my inbox, the Melbourne winter started to feel very long,” he said.

If you’re chasing an endless summer, or just a summer with a bit of a difference then locum work could be for you. We’ve put together a handy little guide to get you started, and our specialist Wavelength recruiters are standing by ready to help you plan your summer adventure.


[1] ABC, Locum doctor costs skyrocket 50% to $3,500 a day due to shortage. 4 August 2022.

[2] Wavelength, Your top seven locum questions answered, June 2021.


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