Sunday, September 22, 2024

majority sees growth in this area

AI in the workplace continues to be a focal point for professionals across various industries. But what will it look like in the future? That’s the question we sought to answer with Workable’s AI in Hiring & Work survey which launched in January 2024.

In the dataset, nearly four out of five respondents (78.9%) anticipate a substantial or slight increase in the importance and usage of AI.

New report: AI in Hiring 2024

We asked 950 hiring managers how they’re using AI in hiring and in the workplace. And now we have a new survey report packed with insights for you.

Get your free report now!

Only a small fraction (4%) predict a decrease, underscoring a strong consensus toward AI’s expanding role.

It’s clear that AI’s influence is not just present but growing, not just tangibly but in the eyes of our respondents.

The industry lens

Differences stand out when we look at the dataset across industries. Notably, 52.7% in Construction predict a substantial increase in AI usage compared to the overall 38.2%. This suggests a significant shift toward more technologically integrated operations.

IT / Technology / SaaS (83.3% vs. 78.9% overall) and Manufacturing (83.2%) see AI increasing over the next few years as well. This aligns with their core operations which naturally integrate newer technologies faster.

At the other end, Healthcare stands out with 6.9% anticipating a slight decrease, possibly reflecting concerns around AI’s implications in sensitive areas such as patient care.

Frequently asked questions

New report: AI in hiring and the workplace

Nearly a thousand hiring managers in the US and UK shared how they’re using AI in hiring and in work. We now have a survey report with the findings.

Download your report now!

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