Saturday, September 21, 2024

Are You A Victim Of Workplace Bullying?

If you’ve experienced repeated verbal criticism, personal attacks, humiliation, degradation, or exclusion, it’s clear that it’s bullying. Banter and “in-jokes” may be used in the workplace but keep them light and inclusive.

Interestingly, anyone can be a bully, regardless of their role at work. Do you bag out your boss over drinks on a Friday night? Target your EA about being too close to the boss? Which is also a super dangerous game to play anyway! You get the picture.

A Vicious Cycle

If you’re the target of workplace bullying, you’ll most likely begin each week with a feeling of dread. Inappropriate behaviour by adult bullies can include forcing people to do things they don’t want to do, refusing others’ efforts, embarrassing someone in front of employers, co-workers, or customers, and excluding and threatening them.

It can range from derogatory comments, unfair criticism, personal attacks, etc. Workplace bullying can also be so subtle that the perpetrator always gets away with it. We’re talking gaslighting here. Using shame and guilt to emotionally manipulate people by creating feelings of inadequacy, undue responsibility, and worthlessness is a very real thing.

Bullies also create a competitive and divisive environment by leaving people off email, and chat groups, not inviting them out for lunch or drinks, and constantly changing expectations to ensure failure. It’s terrible and the mental health and business costs are extremely high.

Breaking Point for All

Research on workplace bullying takes in the personal impact on victims as well as the tax implications that affect a company’s bottom line. Experiencing bullying can lead to physical and mental health problems such as high blood pressure, mood swings, panic attacks, stress, ulcers, headaches, muscle tension, and changes in appetite and sleep patterns.

Workplace bullying has a negative impact not only on the victim and co-workers who witness the bullying but also on the employer. Not only can it disrupt the work environment and impact morale, but it can also see an increase in absenteeism or reduced productivity.

This can lead to legal issues, additional costs to recruit/train new employees, and decreased employee loyalty, which then pumps up sick leave, health insurance claims and turnover, poor social image, and bad publicity.

While stats show a decrease in workplace bullying over the past decade, it still exists and must be eradicated.

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Calling it Out

Do you see this happening in the workplace? Talk to management and HR, because companies can take steps to reduce bullying, such as helping employees learn how to respond if they witness someone being bullied at work.

If you are the one on the receiving end of bullying, please report and track the abuse. Document details including the time and exactly what happened. Make sure witnesses are present and hold onto documents and records that confirm the abuse.

Because there are zero excuses for workplace bullying.

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