Saturday, September 21, 2024

Angie Harmon Sues Instacart After Delivery Driver Fatally Shoots Dog –

In a tragic incident that has shaken the Hollywood community, actress Angie Harmon filed a lawsuit against Instacart and a former shopper after the shopper allegedly shot and killed Harmon’s dog during a grocery delivery in March. The lawsuit, filed in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, accuses Instacart of negligence in hiring, supervision, and retention, along with trespassing, gross negligence, emotional distress, and invasion of privacy.

According to Harmon, the unnamed shopper claimed the dog attacked him, prompting him to shoot the animal. However, Harmon vehemently disputes this account. In an emotional Instagram post last month, she wrote, “The ‘delivery person’ did not have a scratch or bite on him nor were his pants torn.” The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department confirmed they investigated the incident but did not pursue criminal charges.

This lawsuit highlights the growing concerns surrounding pet safety and accountability in the gig economy. Instacart, a grocery delivery service that relies on a network of independent contractors, has come under fire for its vetting procedures for shoppers. Harmon’s lawsuit alleges that Instacart failed to properly screen the shopper involved in the incident, potentially putting customers and their pets at risk.

“This lawsuit is about accountability,” Harmon stated in an exclusive interview, “My dog was senselessly killed, and I won’t rest until those responsible are held accountable for their actions.” She went on to describe her beloved pet as a cherished member of her family and expressed her deep pain over the loss.

Angie Harmon Sues Instacart After Delivery Driver Fatally Shoots Dog
Photo by Monica Silvestre from Pexels

In response to the lawsuit, Instacart issued a statement saying they immediately suspended the shopper after receiving a report about the shooting and later permanently removed him from the platform. The company also emphasized its commitment to pet safety, stating that it has a process in place for shoppers to report aggressive pets during deliveries. However, the specifics of these safety protocols and whether they were followed in this case remain unclear.

This incident raises questions about the adequacy of existing safety measures in the gig economy. While Instacart claims to have protocols for reporting aggressive pets, Harmon’s lawsuit suggests these procedures might not be enough. The lawsuit could potentially lead to a reevaluation of safety protocols for both delivery drivers and customers with pets.

Beyond the immediate tragedy, the lawsuit also touches on the broader issue of consumer protection in the digital age. As reliance on online delivery services continues to grow, ensuring customer safety and holding companies accountable for the actions of their contractors becomes increasingly important. The outcome of this case could set a precedent for how companies like Instacart are held liable for incidents involving independent contractors.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified monetary damages, to be determined at trial. This high-profile case is likely to be closely watched by consumers, pet owners, and companies operating in the gig economy. It serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with in-home deliveries and the need for robust safety measures to protect both customers and their pets.


Angie Harmon is suing Instacart and a former shopper who shot and killed her dog, Oliver

Actor Angie Harmon sues Instacart and its delivery driver for fatally shooting her dog

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