Sunday, September 22, 2024

5 recruiting mistakes you didn’t know you were making— Insights by Desiree Goldey

It’s very common to feel overwhelmed by the constant changes in recruitment. Given the speed with which everything is changing, it is vital to adapt yourself to these situations.

But while doing that, you might make some blunders! (Or many, for that matter!) 

So, we sat down with Desiree Goldey, Marketing, Talent, & Culture Leader at ZRG Partners, to uncover the most common recruiting mistakes and how to fix them. 

Watch the full interview below:

Avoid these 5 (un) common recruiting mistakes at all costs

recruiting mistakesrecruiting mistakes

1. Poor communication and lengthy processes

“I think the hardest part of recruiting is getting someone through the process in an effective manner with a lot of communication.”

First, let’s talk about “talking”.

Desiree can’t stress enough how vital clear communication with candidates is. 

Lengthy, convoluted hiring cycles are a major red flag for them. 

Instead, streamline your process and keep them in the loop to avoid losing top talent.

Effective communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and that applicants feel valued throughout the process. 

2. Underutilizing technology

Desiree is all about leveraging recruitment tech to keep things running smoothly. 

“I use my ATS in a very specific way and take advantage of it fully.”

From whiteboarding tools to a robust ATS, the right technology can make a world of difference. 

It’s all about being organized and efficient, especially in a market where ghosting has become an unfortunate trend. 

AI recruiting software that fits your budget can help you manage applications seamlessly and match candidates efficiently. 

That said, did you consider Recruit CRM for your ATS + CRM system? If not, try now

3. Ignoring candidate persistence

Persistence pays off in recruitment. 

Desiree advises staying organized and focused on your top candidates. If someone seems perfect, be persistent! 

Sometimes, they need a little nudge to see the opportunity you’re offering. 

So, keep track of your communications and follow up regularly without being pushy. 

This persistence shows them that you are genuinely interested in them and can significantly influence their decision-making process. 

4. Neglecting candidate experience 

Desiree emphasizes the importance of focusing on candidate experience

A smooth, efficient hiring process with consistent communication keeps them engaged and interested. 

Neglecting this can lead to losing top talent. (A bad dream for recruiters!)

Always ensure your recruiting cycle is clear with less number of interview rounds, and applicant-friendly. 

Also, provide regular updates and transparent communication to make them feel valued and respected.

You might also like: Download our e-book on providing A+ candidate experience

5. Overlooking candidate energy and preparation

“I look for energy and excitement for the job. If you come to the phone interview with no energy, it drives me insane.”

Make sure your candidates have done their homework and are as excited about the opportunity as you are about them. 

Their energy can often be a good indicator of their potential fit within your company culture. 

Preparation shows their commitment and interest in the role, which can translate into a more motivated and engaged employee. 

Always appreciate and encourage candidates who demonstrate these qualities.

Read about the first two episodes of The Recruitment Scoop (if you haven’t already):


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