Monday, September 23, 2024

How to attract personality hires? 5 ready-to-send templates

Understand how prioritizing personality hires in recruitment can enhance team dynamics, improve customer relations, and foster a positive workplace culture.

personality hirespersonality hires

What are personality hires?

Simply put, personality hires are candidates selected based on their inherent traits, such as adaptability, positivity, and teamwork, rather than just their technical skills or past experience.

These individuals are chosen for their ability to fit seamlessly into the company culture and contribute to a positive and productive work environment.

Consider this: you’re interviewing candidates for a new position at your company. 

Traditionally, you might focus on their skills, qualifications, and experience. 

But what if, instead, you prioritized their personality type? 

You’ll be surprised how this approach would change the way you hire. (positively, of course!)

Instead of merely looking at a resume to determine if a candidate is qualified, personality hiring considers how well an individual’s character aligns with the company’s culture and the specific role’s demands.

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Why is a personality hire important? 7 reasons to know

importance of personality hiresimportance of personality hires

1. Better adaptability and learning agility

Skills can be taught, but adaptability? That’s a personality trait. 

Someone who’s flexible and open-minded can learn new skills quickly and adjust to changes effortlessly. These are the folks who keep things moving, no matter what curveballs come their way.

2. Improved team dynamics

A team that gels well together works better together. When you hire for personality, you’re looking for people who naturally fit into your team’s dynamic. 

They communicate effectively, support each other, and create a positive, collaborative atmosphere. 

This harmony can lead to better teamwork and innovative solutions.

3. Enhanced customer relations

In roles that involve interacting with customers, personality is key. Empathetic, patient, and friendly employees can turn everyday interactions into memorable experiences. 

They build trust and loyalty, making your customers feel valued and understood, which is crucial for long-term success.

4. Increased job satisfaction and retention

When employees feel they fit in, they’re happier and more engaged. By hiring for personality, you’re more likely to find people who align with your company’s values and culture. 

This means they’ll be more satisfied with their jobs and less likely to leave, saving you the hassle and cost of frequent hiring.

5. Boosted innovation and creativity

A diverse mix of personalities can ignite creativity. 

Different perspectives and approaches can spark new ideas and drive innovation. When your team feels comfortable expressing themselves, they’re more likely to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

6. Improved resilience

Every workplace faces challenges. Employees who are resilient and maintain a positive attitude can handle setbacks better and keep moving forward. 

They find solutions rather than dwelling on problems, maintaining momentum even during tough times.

7. Promotes long-term cultural fit

Hiring for personality also means considering cultural fit. When employees’ values and work styles align with your company’s culture, they’re more likely to stay committed and perform well over the long term. 

This creates a stable and cohesive work environment where everyone is moving in the same direction.

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What personality types should recruiters look for?

personality hire traitspersonality hire traits 

1. Proactiveness

Always look for candidates who take the initiative. These individuals don’t wait to be told what to do; they’re always on the lookout for ways to contribute and improve. They’re the go-getters who drive projects forward and inspire others to do the same.

2. Positivity

A positive attitude can work wonders in any team. Employees who maintain an upbeat and optimistic outlook can boost morale and keep the team motivated, even during challenging times. 

Their positivity can be infectious, creating a more enjoyable and productive work environment.

3. Team-oriented

Teamwork makes the dream work, right? 

Look for people who thrive in collaborative settings. These candidates are great at communicating, sharing ideas, and supporting their colleagues. 

They understand that the success of the team is more important than individual accolades.

4. Creativity

Creativity isn’t just for artists. Creative thinkers can bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to your business. They’re the ones who come up with out-of-the-box ideas that can set your company apart from the competition. 

Encourage this trait, and you’ll be amazed at what your team can achieve.

5. Resilience

Resilience is all about bouncing back from setbacks and staying focused on the goal. Look for candidates who can handle stress and adversity without losing their cool. 

These individuals are persistent, determined, and capable of navigating challenges effectively.

6. Empathy

Empathy is crucial in roles that involve interaction with clients or team members. Candidates who can put themselves in others’ shoes can better understand and address concerns, leading to stronger relationships and better customer satisfaction.

Before hiring for personality, take our quizzes and find out your recruiter personality!

5 disadvantages of hiring based on personality alone

While hiring for personality has its perks, it’s not without its pitfalls. Here are some potential downsides you should be aware of:

1. Skill gaps

Imagine hiring someone who’s a perfect cultural fit but lacks the technical skills needed for the job. It might seem okay initially, but over time, skill gaps can become glaring issues. 

Your client might end up spending too much time training and less time focusing on their own tasks.

2. Performance issues

No matter how great someone’s personality is, it becomes problematic if they can’t perform their job’s core duties. 

Performance issues can lead to missed deadlines, lower quality work, and even impact team morale if others have to pick up the slack.

3. Potential for bias

Focusing too much on personality can sometimes lead to unconscious bias

You might find yourself favoring candidates who are similar to you or the existing team, which can result in a lack of diversity. Diverse teams bring varied perspectives, which is crucial for innovation and problem-solving.

4. Cultural homogeneity

If you hire only for personality, you might end up with a team that’s too similar. 

While having a harmonious team is great, too much similarity can stifle creativity and innovation. It’s important to strike a balance between cultural fit and diversity.

5. Overlooking red flags

Sometimes, a charming personality can overshadow red flags that might indicate future issues. 

For example, a candidate might be great in an interview but struggle with punctuality or meeting deadlines. It’s crucial to balance personality assessments with practical evaluations.

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5 key differences between personality hires and cultural fit

1. Focus on individual traits vs. company values

While hiring for personality, emphasize individual traits such as adaptability, positivity, and creativity. The focus is on how these features can enhance the team and contribute to specific roles.

On the other hand, cultural fit concentrates on how well a candidate’s values and behaviors align with the overall company culture and mission. 

2. Assessment methods

During personality hiring, utilize tools like personality assessments, behavioral interviews, and situational judgment tests to evaluate specific traits.

Cultural fit involves cultural fit interviews, values assessments, and questions designed to gauge how well a candidate’s beliefs and behaviors match the company’s culture.

3. Impact on team dynamics 

Personality hires directly influence team dynamics and can quickly enhance productivity and collaboration within a specific team.

Cultural fit ensures long-term harmony and stability across the entire organization by aligning individual values with company values.

4. Short-term gains vs. long-term stability

Personality hires offer immediate benefits by bringing traits that boost team cohesion and productivity.

Conversely, cultural fit supports long-term employee retention and organizational stability, ensuring that employees stay committed and aligned with the company’s goals over time.

5. Adaptability vs. consistency

Personality hires bring adaptability and are well-suited for dynamic, fast-changing environments where quick thinking and flexibility are crucial. 

Cultural fit provides consistency and ensures that employees uphold the company’s core values and contribute to a stable, enduring culture.

To create a well-rounded hiring strategy, it’s important to integrate both personality and cultural fit assessments. 

This balanced approach will ensure that new hires not only bring the right traits to enhance team performance but also align with the company’s core values for long-term success.

How to attract personality hires? 5 ready-to-use email templates

Here are five email templates to help you attract candidates with the right personality: 

Template 1: Showcase your culture

Subject: Join our vibrant team at [Company_Name]!

Hey [Candidate’s_name],

Are you someone who thrives in a collaborative, dynamic environment? At [Company_Name], we value creativity, positivity, and a proactive attitude. If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you!

Join us and contribute to a workplace where your personality can shine.



Template 2: Highlight growth opportunities

Subject: Grow and thrive with [Company_Name]!

Hi [Candidate’s_name],

At [Company_Name], we believe in nurturing talents and providing opportunities for growth. We’re looking for adaptable, team-oriented individuals with a positive outlook.

If you’re ready to grow in a supportive environment, check out our openings!

Looking forward to your application!



Template 3: Emphasize work-life balance

Subject: Work where your personality thrives!

Hello [Candidate’s_Name],

At [Company_Name], we value work-life balance and a positive work environment. We seek individuals who bring enthusiasm and creativity to their roles and appreciate a flexible, supportive workplace.

Join us to achieve great things together!

Best regards,


Template 4: Promote your mission and values

Subject: Align your values with [Company_Name]

Dear [Candidate’s_Name],

Do you want to work for a company that shares your values? [Company_Name] is dedicated to [Company_Mission]. We seek passionate, resilient individuals who align with our vision.

If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you.

Join us and make a difference!



Template 5: Highlight team success stories

Subject: Be part of our success story!

Hi [Candidate’s_Name],

At [Company_Name], our success is driven by a team with diverse personalities and skills. We seek new members who are enthusiastic, innovative, and ready to contribute to our journey.

Hear from our team about their experiences, and join us!



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Frequently asked questions

1. What types of jobs are suitable for personality hires?

Personality hires are particularly effective in roles that require a high degree of interaction, creativity, and adaptability. Here are a few examples:

  • Sales: Success often hinges on interpersonal skills and relationship-building.
  • Customer service: Empathy and patience are crucial for handling customer interactions.
  • Marketing: Creativity and collaboration are key.
  • HR: Strong interpersonal skills help manage employee relations and foster a positive culture.

But, a good personality with the right skills can fit any role. 

2. Can hiring for personality over skills impact team performance?

Yes, it can. 

While hiring for personality can enhance team dynamics and morale, balancing personality with the necessary skills is important. 

A candidate with the right personality but lacking essential skills might require more training and time to get up to speed, which could temporarily affect team performance.

3. How do you assess personality during the hiring process?

Personality can be assessed through various methods, such as personality tests, behavioral interviews, and situational judgment tests. 

Candidates can be asked about their past experiences, how they handle challenges, and their approach to teamwork, which can provide insights into their personality traits.

4. Is it possible to overemphasize personality when hiring?

Yes, overemphasizing personality without considering skills and experience can lead to hiring individuals who may not be able to perform the job effectively. 

It’s important to strike a balance by evaluating both personality traits and the technical skills required for the role.

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