Sunday, September 22, 2024

Don’t Get Left Behind: The Continuous Journey of Digital Transformation in Recruitment

In the latest episode of Recruitment Smarts Live, we sat down with Matt Gayleard, Chief Marketing Officer of Cloudcall, to dive deep into the topic of digital transformation. If you’re a recruitment professional, this is a must-watch discussion that could revolutionize the way you approach technology in your business. Digital transformation is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process as new technologies emerge and the way we work continues to evolve. Matt shared valuable insights on how recruitment firms can navigate this journey and unlock significant benefits for their teams and clients. Key takeaways from the discussion include:

1. Understanding the three key audiences digital transformation serves – decision-makers, managers/supervisors, and end-users (recruiters). Ensuring the needs of each group are addressed is crucial for successful implementation.
2. Recognising that digital transformation is often driven by specific pain points, such as outdated phone systems or the need to integrate new CRM platforms. Addressing these challenges can lead to major productivity gains.
3. Exploring how tools like Cloudcall can enhance data security, compliance, and the overall candidate/client experience through features like call recording, transcription, and seamless CRM integration.
4. Learning how to measure the true ROI of digital transformation beyond just cost savings, by looking at factors like time savings, productivity improvements, and better onboarding of new hires.
5. Gaining strategies to overcome common challenges, such as driving user adoption and articulating the value to internal stakeholders like the CFO.

If you’re ready to future-proof your recruitment business and stay ahead of the curve, don’t miss this insightful discussion. Click here to watch the full video and discover how digital transformation can take your firm to new heights.

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